hukum amerika serikat bahasa Inggris
- US law forbids the government from accepting the services of unpaid volunteers.
Hukum Amerika Serikat melarang pemerintah menerima jasa relawan yang tidak dibayar. - You agree that the Website is subject to the laws of the United States.
Anda setuju bahwa Situs web tunduk pada hukum Amerika Serikat. - Guzman was captured on 22 February 2014 overnight by American and Mexican authorities.
Guzman ditangkap pada dini hari tanggal 22 Februari 2014 oleh penegak hukum Amerika Serikat dan Meksiko. - Suits is an American legal drama television series created and written by Aaron Korsh.
Suits dalah serial televisi drama hukum Amerika Serikat yang dibuat dan ditulis oleh Aaron Korsh. - Bitpay Service is provided by BitPay Inc, licenced under the laws the United States of America.
Bitpay Layanan Disediakan Oleh BitPay Inc di Bawah Naungan Hukum Amerika Serikat. - Several large quantities of illicitly produced fentanyl have been seized by U.S. law enforcement agencies.
Banyak sejumlah besar fentanil yang diproduksi secara gelap ditahan oleh badan penegak hukum Amerika Serikat. - Foreign soil, which, as you know, is outside the jurisdiction of you, the F.B.I., and all U.S. law enforcement.
Tanah orang asing, berarti, seperti kau tahu... di luar kekuasaanmu, F.B.I. dan seluruh penegak hukum Amerika Serikat. - "It is unthinkable,' remarked School Board Superintendent Benjamin Smith, 'that we will try to the laws of the United States."
"Benar-benar tak terpikirkan sebelumnya," komentar Penilik Dewan Sekolah Benjamin Smith, "bahwa kita akan mencoba untuk hukum Amerika Serikat." - Dwyer felt that since his work was a parody it was protected by his right to free speech under U.S. law.
Dwyer merasa karena karyanya berupa parodi, ia dilindugi oleh hak kebebasan berbicara di bawah hukum Amerika Serikat. - Hans Hermann Herz (September 23, 1908 – December 25, 2005) was an American scholar of international relations and law.
John H. Herz (lahir Hans Hermann Herz; 23 September 1908-25 Desember 2005) adalah ilmuwan hubungan internasional dan hukum Amerika Serikat.
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